7 JCStudies Haverim Lecture Series, Fellowship meal, Torah Study (time TBA)
10 AM – 1 PM
The Transformative Power of the Exodus Yesterday, Today and Forever
James C. Whitman, CJCS President
Jesus-centered discipleship in the Biblical Spring Feasts.
8 (Sunday) Sonrise Breakfast at First Lutheran Church, 138 W First St., Dayton
6:30 to 9:30ish am – http://www.firstlutheranchurchdayton.com/sonrise-breakfast.html
14 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm (children’s dance practice)
21 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
28 CoM service 5:30pm (Holy Week), Torah Study 4pm
2 CoM Church-Wide Seder Meal – Family Seders may also be provided if families are willing to Host and/or Lead.
4 CoM HH service (Resurrection, Passover) 10:30am, Fellowship meal, Torah Study 9am
5 (Sunday) Sonrise Breakfast at First Lutheran Church, 138 W First St., Dayton
6:30 to 9:30ish am – http://www.firstlutheranchurchdayton.com/sonrise-breakfast.html
11 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm, Child Evangelism Fellowship’s CYIA (Christian Youth In Action) will present at CoM on April 11 for 15 minutes during the announcements.
18 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
25 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm