6 CoM Hebraic Heritage service 10:30am, Fellowship meal, Torah Study 9am
7 (Sunday) Sonrise Breakfast at First Lutheran Church, 138 W First St., Dayton
6:30 to 9:30ish am – http://www.firstlutheranchurchdayton.com/sonrise-breakfast.html
13 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
20 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
27 CoM service 5:30pm Teacher: Aaron Eime, Torah Study 4pm, JCStudies HLS with Aaron Eime, 9am
4 CoM Hebraic Heritage service 10:30am, Fellowship meal, Torah Study 9am
5 (Sunday) Sonrise Breakfast at First Lutheran Church, 138 W First St., Dayton
6:30 to 9:30ish am – http://www.firstlutheranchurchdayton.com/sonrise-breakfast.html
11 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
18 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
25 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm, CoM Ladies fellowship lunch 1:00-3:00pm Contact Leslie Ling