1 CoM Hebraic Heritage service 10:30am, Fellowship meal, Torah Study 9am
2 (Sunday) Sonrise Breakfast at First Lutheran Church, 138 W First St., Dayton
6:30 to 9:30ish am – http://www.firstlutheranchurchdayton.com/sonrise-breakfast.html
8 CoM service 5:30pm – Ariel Berkowitz, Torah Study 4pm
12 JCStudies: Haverim School of Discipleship at Bergamo with Dr. David Emanuel – through Sat., August 15
15 CoM service 5:30pm – Yoel Berkowitz, Torah Study 4pm
22 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
29 “Bridge Walk” registration 8;30 am at Shawnee Park, Xenia, walk begins at 9 am, learn about homelessness in our community and how Simon Kenton Bridges of Hope and the Jeremiah Tree address the needs
29 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
30 Ladies’ Fellowship Luncheon (Psalm 37 study) at 1:30 pm at the Wilsons’ home
30 A Night to Honor Israel, Sunday at 6 PM, Schuster Center, Dayton OH; speakers include Gary Bauer and Irving Roth, more info at DaytonforIsrael.com
5 CoM Hebraic Heritage service 10:30am, Fellowship meal, Torah Study 9am
6 (Sunday) Sonrise Breakfast at First Lutheran Church, 138 W First St., Dayton
6:30 to 9:30ish am – http://www.firstlutheranchurchdayton.com/sonrise-breakfast.html
12 JCStudies Seminar, How Israel’s Fall Festivals Energize Discipleship, 9 am to 1 pm, James Whitman, speaker – click for info
12 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
13 CoM Picnic at John Bryant Park 9am, lunch at noon click for flyer
19 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm
26 CoM service 5:30pm, Torah Study 4pm