S109 Where’s the Beef? Lessons from Our Fathers
In this teaching from Seder 109 (Numbers 10:1-11:15), we see the introduction of metal trumpets (חצוצרות) and their close connection with a shofar (שופר). So close is the connection, in fact, that their roles seem to have been reversed after the destruction of the temple. The complaining (מתאנן) in the Seder (from both the children of Israel and Moshe) does not go unnoticed, and creates our link into the reading from the Apostolic Scriptures (I Cor 10:1-13). Here we find a remarkable phrase used only this once by the Apostle Paul/Sha’ul. For the mixed congregation at Corinth he uses the object lesson of the Exodus wanderings, and calls those who left Egypt ‘our fathers.’ The implications of this phrase for any non-Jews in his audience deserves consideration.Kyle A. Kettering
Elder – Church of the Messiah (Xenia)
M.A. Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins
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