Registration ends Thursday, April 18, 2018 at 11:00pm!
Celebrate the Passover (Pesach) with a luncheon at Church of the Messiah – Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 12:30pm. We will explore the scriptures related to Jesus and his disciples’ final Passover meal together and the links to the exodus of the nation of Israel. The main course and drinks will be provided by Church of the Messiah. Participants are asked to bring dessert to share.
CoM will supply a main course, drinks and other Seder elements
Suggested Donations:
Singles: $7.00
Couples $14.00
Families $21.00 (kids 6 and under are not counted)
Registration is required (so that we know how many to plan for)
or you can signup at a CoM service and we’ll add you to the count. Donations cannot be made online through Only 128 seats total are available.
Donations can be mailed in, made at any CoM service between now and the Seder or the day of the Seder (April 20th) by cash or check (to Church of the Messiah).
If you can’t make a donation at this time, no problem – just let an Elder know.
If you would like to make an extra donation to “sponsor” another person, couple or family, great – just let an Elder know.